It's been a while since my last blog post.. The six months until my 20th birthday has turned into one month, and I now live in Macomb with my best friend Chelsey and our friend, Jodie. What an adventure to finally move out on my own. It has been almost three weeks out of my parents house now, and I wont lie.. I'm starting to feel some serious homesickness :( I have always been independent in my own right.. I was usually not home when I lived with my parents, and I pretty much did as I pleased. But now that all my belongings, clothes, BED etc. is at "my" house and my Mom, Dad, dog and cats are back in Monmouth? Definitely a bittersweet feeling. I almost bought a bunny rabbit (or two bunny rabbits, named Bunnie and Clyde) to ease some of my pain.. but my mom quickly made me realize it wouldn't be her taking care of my pet like the many others in my life.. I would have to care for the smelly little thing. So for now, for the first time in my life I have no animals to keep my company on the days that I feel lonely. You would think that, being a 19 year old living with two friends and having a boyfriend who I spend a lot of time with, I wouldn't feel loneliness very often. But if you have ever owned an animal, you know that the company of your cuddly cat or loyal dog can make your heart feel full without even knowing there was something missing in the first place.
I wanted to blog just to let anyone who cares, or that who will be reading.. that my blog is going to change a lot. In the following ways:
1. I will actually be posting.. hopefully almost daily. Even if it is just a short post, I'd like to actually give my blog a purpose. :)
2. I will be posting not only about my photography, but about my everyday life. That means this blog will become a lot more personal. I'm not scared to share my life with the world.
Soon, I will post basically a bio of my very long, very interesting 19 and 11/12 years on this earth so far. (That's a joke, I'm pretty boring.. but I will try to spice up my posts a bit)
*Note: Today was my 4 1/2 year anniversary with my boyfriend, Logan. Because of this, Ill leave you with a couple images of him that I love.
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